Increasingly, Joint Ventures and Limited Liability Companies (North American processes) and Consortiums (typically a European and Asian process) present contractors a viable and practical approach to addressing resource and expertise requirements as well as risk exposures of emerging projects. When considering the joining of two or more firms into such arrangements, 5RMK managers bring the experience of many such formations to conduct and advise clients on:
Comprehensive Gap Analysis of the client’s strengths and weaknesses for a given prospect to determine most advantageous fit to provide the strongest team to market and execute the targeted program.
- Negotiation of scope assignments, staffing, risk allocations and financial obligations of the respective parties
- Quality of planning, estimating and price adjustments in final cost proposal preparation
- Best legal formation to fit the project, client organization, US and non-US legal requirements, tax structures, labor laws, profit distribution and repatriation of cash options
Examples of 5RMK Managers’ Joint Venture and LLC Formation Experience:
- US Department of Energy – Hanford River Corridor Project – Richland, Washington (Washington Group International, Bechtel National and CH2M Hill LLC)
- USAID Water and Waste Water Programs in the Middle East – (Washington Group/Morrison-Knudsen and ORASCM Construction Industries JV)
- E-470 Highway – Denver, Colorado – (Morrison-Knudsen and Fluor Corporation JV)
- Chep Lap Kok Airport – Hong Kong – (Nishimatsu, Morrison-Knudsen, Costain, Ballast Needham, China Harbors JV)
- Iraq Reconstruction Programs – (Washington Group International and Black & Veatch JV)
- US Army Milcon Programs – Egypt and Qatar – (Washington Group/Morrison-Knudsen and Contrak International JV)