The 21st century has seen unprecedented growth in new project developments, expansion and upgrades of existing facilities and other capital programs in virtually every industrialized nation as well as other more remote regions of the world. More and larger projects mean more demand for experienced senior project management professionals, global supply chain managers, venture formations, and and resolution of problems and conflicts. These increased demands occur at a time when a finite human resource base limits available resources to manage these challenges. Increasingly, clients are turning to outside sources to meet these resource challenges.
Based in Boise, Idaho, 5RMK is a closely held corporation comprised of highly experienced professionals from the engineering, construction and resource development industry. 5RMK brings the combined resources and experiences of senior managers who have managed major oil and gas, mining, environmental, infrastructure, military and humanitarian aid programs in North and South America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia Pacific.
Our mission is to support companies (owners or contractors) with their development, growth and conflict challenges. We will provide some of the best management professionals and practices available in the industry today to meet our clients’ changing human resource and project demands.